Thursday, May 11, 2017

When Memes Attack

There are many well informed, witty and erudite people commenting on the last 48 hours in Trump Circus.

But it is so utterly bonkers that I cannot allow it pass without a mention.

Last night the Washington Post published an article with the following headline:

This was later amended to read:

"After Trump fired Comey, White House staff scrambled to explain why"  with the following disclaimer:

EDITOR'S NOTE: This story has been updated to more precisely describe White House press secretary Sean Spicer's location late Tuesday night in the minutes before he briefed reporters. Spicer huddled with his staff among bushes near television sets on the White House grounds, not "in the bushes," as the story originally stated

Because in fairness to poor maligned Sean, he wasn't exactly huddled in a bush hiding from the press pack.  He was probably desperately trying to catch up on the days events right along with them.

Unfortunately for "Press Secretary Spice" the meme is faster than the eye and before the amended article came out there was plenty of time for this to happen in the interim.

Found this photo of Sean Spicer hiding between the bushes

And that is merely the tip of the iceberg because let's face it, 100% accurate or not "Sean Spicer hides in bushes" has to be the holy grail of meme fodder.

Hang in there Sean, I'm sure that the next time your boss decides to anything really important he will ensure that you have been thoroughly briefed so that you never again have to front up to an impromptu press conference with no coherent backstory.

And just in case he doesn't; have a word with the Whitehouse gardeners about planting some decent screening vegetation. 

Because a Sean with the upper hand is worth two in the bush.


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